Recently I picked up and read Management Rewired by Charles Jacobs. While I confess I don’t know much about business or what’s trendy in business management, I did find this book interesting and helpful, primarily due to the fact it is different than some of the other books I’ve read on the topic. Using some…
Month: February 2010
Waukee Jazz 1 at Disney
Here’s the video from Lauren’s Jazz Band playing at Downtown Disney on December 29, 2009! Awesome job by an awesome group of kids!
A Final Word to the Thief on the Cross
The first word Jesus spoke from the cross concerned forgiveness. The second word concerned eternal life. Jesus said to the thief, “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43, NLT). Think about the promise of eternal life that Jesus offered to him in those dying moments.Salvation is immediate: “Today.” Salvation is personal: “YOU…
A Word to those Who Fear they are Forgotten (part 2)
Sometimes we may wonder if God has forgotten us. Take a moment to consider some of these powerful promises from Scripture: God knows us by name.God knows the number of hairs on our head.God knows the number of our days we will live on earth.God hears the words we speak.God knows our thoughts.God sees our…
There are a couple of helpful websites that I routinely check that are proving to be helpful time savers. When I want to catch up on Christian news, I find This site scans online newspapers from coast to coast and posts the links to the top religious news stories each day. While the web…
A Word to Those Who Fear they are Forgotten
Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:42-43, NLT) When we lived in Arkansas, Lisa and I were invited to a dinner party to honor the 40th birthday of a friend. His wife did an…
The Shadow of the Cross
There is a famous painting by Holman Hunt, leader of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, titled The Shadow of Death. The picture depicts Jesus standing inside the carpenter’s shop in Nazareth. He is standing by a wooden trestle on which he has laid down his saw. He stands with his eyes fixed toward heaven and arms stretched…
A Prayer for Ash Wednesday
As millions of Christians around the world observe Ash Wednesday today, I thought I’d post this prayer for Ash Wednesday by Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann. It is part of a collection of prayers for the people of God titled Prayers for a Privileged People. Marked by AshesBy Walter Brueggemann Ruler of the Night, Guarantor…
Diary of a Demented Snow Shoveler
I got this last winter and thought it was really funny. Now that our local news is reporting that we’ve set an all time record for snow fall this winter (57″), I thought I’d share it. Enjoy! December 8 It started to snow. The first snow of the season andthe wife and I took our…
Do You Know What You Are Doing?
In Luke 23:34, Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing (NLT).” Who is Jesus praying for? Who is it that doesn’t know what they are doing? Jesus words were spoken in the particular context of the crucifixion, so we begin with the scene and those who must have heard…