The word Pentecost simply means “fiftieth day.” It was that day that the Holy Spirit was bestowed on the people of God. I think it’s important to understand that the Holy Spirit did not come into existence on the Day of Pentecost. Like the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit has eternally pre-existed. Genesis…
Month: June 2010
Integrity by Dr. Henry Cloud
Henry Cloud may be best known for his series of works co-authored by John Townsend on the subject of Boundaries. But his most helpful contribution to my life has been his book titled Integrity. It was recommended to me about a year ago by a friend, and when I saw it at a local bookstore…
Introducting the Missional Church by Alan Roxburgh and Scott Boren
Recent releases on the Missional Church fall into two categories. First, there is the theological reflection category replete with information on what the Scripture says about embracing our sentness into the world around us. The other category of books on the Missional Church are the ones that focus on the tactical and the practical. Introducing…
Six Kinds of Critics by Mark Driscoll
One of the blogs I frequent is The Resurgence, the blogsite of Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. Today I came across this video clip that I thought was very helpful on Six Kinds of Critics. Good counsel!
Summer of Love Week 3
It’s not to late to join the Summer of Love! For more information or to sign up visit! To view the full screen version, just click inside the video window after the video begins.
The Day of Pentecost (Part 1)
Last weekend my family make our annual pilgrimage to Northeast Missouri for our family reunion. For the last several years, my mother has done her best to assemble all of the relatives to share a meal and catch up with each other. Notice I mention the meal first. My mother is 84 years old, but…
The 90 Day New Testament Challenge
We are wrapping up the Gospel of Luke this week and beginning the Gospel of John. If you haven’t joined the 90 Day New Testament Challenge, it’s not too late! To find out more, visit!
Leading from the Second Chair (part 5)
The other thing I’d like to add concerning leadership in the church is that the most dominate model for leadership in the New Testament is parenting. Consider Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12, “As apostles of Christ we certainly had a right to make some demands of you, but instead we were like children among…
Leading from the Second Chair (part 4)
In concluding this week’s series of postings on church leadership, I want to add a couple of thoughts from the New Testament that have helped shape my understanding of God’s design for church leadership. The first thought comes from a miracle story in the gospels. Matthew 8:5-9 tells the story of a Roman centurion who…