Here are some of the latest reasearch findings on why young Christians are leaving the church published by Barna Research. The most striking aspect of this research is that it addresses those who have professed faith and been a part of the local church. It is not a survey on why young, unchurched adults are…
Month: September 2011
iBelieve: When I am in Despair (part 2)
The disciples were overwhelmed by the storm that raged around them. What did they do that helped them through their challenge? First, the disciples saw Jesus. John 6:19 says, “They had rowed three or four miles when suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water toward the boat” (NLT). I don’t know that they were…
iBelieve: When I am in Despair
Have you ever been in a bad storm? When I was a kid, I can remember one particular night, huddled with my family around our console television trying to get weather information about the storm that raged outside. This, of course, antedated things like cable TV or doppler radar. As we watched the flickering images…
iBelieve: When I Feel Inadequate (part 3)
The disciple’s response to their present opportunity to meet significant human need was anemic and short sighted. From their own human reasoning, they “put a pencil to it” and “took inventory,” only to discover that their resources were inadequate. They were operating from an economy of scarcity. Jesus, who was always patient with their progress…
iBelieve: When I Feel Inadequate (part 2)
How should we respond to those opportunities that interrupt us? The disciple’s initial response was similar to the way many respond today. “Philip replied, ‘Even if we worked for months, we wouldn’t have enough money to feed them’” (John 6:7, NLT). In today’s language, Philip would have said, “I’ve sharpened the pencil on this, and…
iBelieve: When I Feel Inadequate
Last week our nation paused to honor the memory of September 11, 2001. As part of the remembrance, the National Geographic Channel produced a special series of interviews and reflections with people who were a part of that tragic event. I watched several of the shows, and was moved by the images and the conversations…
Speaking with Conviction
This video expresses the importance of speaking with clarity and conviction. Very funny! Very true!
iBelieve: When I Struggle with Habitual Sin (part 5)
Let me summarize this week’s series on chronic sin patterns with some practical advice that Paul offered in Romans 12. In verses 1-2, he wrote, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and…
iBelieve: When I Struggle with Habitual Sin (part 4)
Even though we wrestle with living in Romans 7, the promise that God offers is that “There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death” (Romans 8:1-2, NLT). In…
iBelieve: When I Struggle with Habitual Sin (part 3)
The premise of the Christian life is that believers are empowered to live above the domination of sin. Through the grace of Christ, sin does not have control over our lives. We have the ability to have control over it. But there’s a problem. Even though we are free from the power that sin holds…