The marks of a true friend include trust, love, and sacrifice. A fourth characteristic I would add to that list is loyalty. “As soon as the boy was gone, David came out from where he had been hiding near the stone pile. Then David bowed three times to Jonathan with his face to the ground….
Month: June 2012
You Need a True Friend:: 3
This week I’ve been posting about one of the key relationships we all need in life: a true friend. Everyone needs someone in their life who loves them as much as they love their selves. Much ado has been made over the Old Testament relationship between Jonathan and David, even citing it as a point…
State of the Plate:: U.S. Economic Impact Update
The Barna Report just released new findings on charitable contributions in the U.S. as related to our ongoing economic struggles. It comes as no real surprise that most people are still negatively impacted by the economy, resulting in diminished contributions to not for profit organizations. You can read the details of the study findings by…
You Need a True Friend:: 2
If we want to look at a biblical character that embodies the characteristics and traits of a true friend we need to look no further than David’s side kick, Jonathan. A Jonathan is a true friend who loves you as much as himself or herself. As Cicero said, “A true friend is a second self.”…
You Need a True Friend
Life is best described as a journey. Sometimes the journey is smooth, and sometimes its rough. Sometimes we find ourselves in passages that are lengthy while others are relatively brief. Sometimes we’re able to cruise along without interruption, yet there are times when we are abruptly forced to take a detour. God came to help…
Eight Relationships You Need in Life
Several years ago I heard a speaker claim that the most common lego block was the one with eight of those connecting points, like the one pictured above. This weekend I’m going to begin a new sermon series on eight relationships each of us need to successfully navigate life. Here’s the line-up: June 24 Everyone…
Wait for the Promise:: 2
“I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49, NIV). Sometimes I get the feeling that our heads spin a little bit whenever the Holy Spirit is introduced into a conversation. The New International Version proposes…
The State of the Plate:: Millennial Version
I came across some interesting information today regarding millennials and their predispositions toward both volunteering and donating to not for profit organizations. As you already know, millennials are the demographic of young adults that range from 20-35 years old. The report was produced by Millennial Impact and can be viewed by clicking here. What are…
Is White a Color?
That was the question coming from 8 year olds at Vacation Bible School last week. I was never good at science in school, and am not good with color now. My eye can’t detect the hint of blue in a paint that makes it more green than khaki. Navy and black are synonymous in my…
Wait for the Promise:: 1
Over the past several weeks I’ve been posting reflections from a sermon series I did titled, “The Seven NEXT Words of Christ.” Each sermon dealt with the first post resurrection statements made by the risen Lord. This week I’ll cover the final post resurrection saying, found in Luke 24:49. “I am going to send you…