This Sunday I begin a new sermon series on the 7 Churches of Revelation titled, “Post Cards from the Edge.” Each post card that John wrote and addressed contained a powerful word that was true for the church then and remains true for the church today. Here are the titles and texts for the series….
Month: January 2014
How “Bible-minded” is Your City?
Barna Research has released a new study that ranks the “Bible-mindedness” of American cities. Check out the report complete with info graphic HERE.
Are Millennials Joining High Church Traditions?
Here’s and interesting post on the recent trend of millennials leaving evangelicalism for churches with high church traditions. You can read Jake Meador’s post on Mere Orthodoxy HERE.
Hostility Towards Religion Escalates in the World
Pew Research has released a new study on the increased hostility toward religion and religious freedom around the world. You can view the study by clicking HERE.
Why We Resist Change, part 2
You’ve done the research. You’ve considered the options. You’ve communicated clearly and have covered all the bases. You’ve presented the benefits and the opportunities that the new change will provide and have given reasonable expectations for outcomes you hope the change will produce. It seems like a no brainer. So why is the recommendation met…
Why We Resist Change
I’ve been thinking a lot about change recently, especially wondering why people seem so swift to resist change. One reason I think we resist change at church is because of the chaos we have in other areas of our lives. We have unpredictable family members and uncertain careers. Our physical health is always in imminent…
How to Handle Criticism
I found this great article by Mark Altrogge titled 12 Things To Do When You’re Criticized on I found it beneficial and worth passing along. Enjoy!
Book Review: Sex and Money
One of the best reads of 2013 was Paul David Tripp’s book Dangerous Calling. Based on the influence of that helpful work I purchased and read his next release titled, Sex and Money. We live in a culture driven to find pleasure, observed most clearly in our preoccupation with sex and money. These two, sex…
When You Follow a Star and Find a Cradle
I can remember the first thing I ever wanted. I couldn’t have been more than 5 years old. I don’t really know how I came to want what I wanted. It could have been that a kid in school had one that he proudly displayed. It could have been that I saw it in the…
Happy New Year!
2013 ended with a crash. Literally. My mother fell last weekend and broke her hip, resulting in surgery on Monday. With three major issues with her heart rehabilitation is going to be an uphill climb, but one thing I’ve learned is that you can never count out a depression era dutchman. While she was in…