Father in heaven, Be present in Houston today: For those who suffer, For those who are displaced, and For those whose lives will never be the same. We pray that family and friends who are separated will be safely reunited. We pray for the leaders of the communities that are impacted, for the leaders of…
Month: August 2017
Moses: “I am Afraid” (part 2)
If we were to ask Moses to tell us about himself at the end of Exodus chapter 2, he would self describe as an 80 year old man with a past, who has found himself living the simple life of a shepherd in the Midian desert. God had other plans for Moses and called him…
Moses: “I am Afraid”
Moses stands apart from many Old Testament characters in that he served as the great deliverer and law giver of Israel. He is a picture of strength and courage in the face of incredible odds. His feats of faith would establish him as one of the most revered of all the leaders of God’s people….
Paper or Plastic?
For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great…
A Congregational Prayer for Churches After Charlottesville – Missio Alliance
As many of us are reeling from the events that have unfolded in Charlottesville, VA – with stories, images, and reports whirling about and yet developing – words can be tough to come by. When there is so much that can be said, indeed, that must be said in the light of tragic events such…
Who’s the G.O.A.T.?
Sports has brought us an interesting new acronymn: G.O.A.T., which stands for Greatest Of All Time. As Americans, we’re interested in such debate. For instance, what is the greatest television show of all time? Certainly we have our prejudices, but if you base the question on the longest running broadcast, the answer would be The…
Jars of Clay
On Sunday I will begin a new sermon series titled, “Jars of Clay.” The goal of this series is to demonstrate how God uses our weakness as a platform to display his surpassing power. For example, Moses said, “I am afraid.” Deborah said, “I am unqualified.” Gideon said, “I am uncertain.” Samson said, “I am…