Yesterday I posted the first observation from Joseph’s life regarding how to have a “can do” spirit in a “no you can’t” world which was to count your blessings. The second observation is to ask better questions concerning life’s interuptions. When adversity strikes, our first natural line of questioning is along the lines of…
…”How could this have happened to me?”
…”Why did this happen to me?”
…”What did I do to deserve this?”
…”Now what am I going to do?”
…”Where is God in all of this?”
Our attitudes often reflect the questions we ask. A couple of weeks ago I came across a blog post by Michael Hyatt, who suggested seven better questions to ask when facing difficult, uncertain times. Here is my adapted list that I offered last weekend in worship.
1. What if this isn’t the end but rather a new beginning? (Remember, break throughs are always break withs!)
2. What if the answer to my prayer is just over the next hill?
3. What if this is necessary in order for me to be prepared for the next important chapter of my life?
4. What if this is exactly what I need to experience in order to develop my character for a greater opportunity?
5. What if God is speaking to me through a means I would not have chosen for a blessing I cannot see?
6. What does this experience make possible?
7. What will I be telling my children and my grandchildren that I learned that was invaluable in this season of my life?
Those are great questions that will help shape your attitude when you face uncertainty and adversity!