Over the past two weeks I’ve been introduced to the work of Jennifer Garcia Bashaw, who serves as a Professor of New Testament and Christian Ministry at Campbell University. Her recent book, Scapegoats: The Gospel Through the Eyes of Victims contains a section she presented in a recent webinar discussing Jesus’ and the Gospel’s treatment…
Category: Bible
The Top 10 Most Popular Bible Translations
Thom Rainer reveals a major shift if the popularity of Bible translations, as the New Living Translation moves into the second spot and the King James Version drops to number four. Here is the link to the article. I personally made the shift to the NLT soon after its release in 1996 for its readability…
How I Read the Bible
During my years of pastoral ministry I committed to read the Bible through, cover to cover, every single year. And I did, without fail. I had always believed that any pastor worth their salt should do at least that much, given the responsibility of teaching and preaching the text each week. In many ways it…
State of the Bible – 2021
Here’s a new study from Barna research on how American’s view the Bible. Check it out here: https://www.barna.com/research/sotb-2021/. Are you surprised by anything in the report?
Disrupting Thinking
My wife is an elementary reading teacher, specializing in helping kids with reading comprehension, accuracy and fluency. She spends her days in small circles of children helping them improve what would arguably be the most important skill anyone could possess. Because of her dedication as a teacher she is always looking for ways to improve…
America’s Most Bible Minded Cities
A new report from Barna Group lists the top 100 most “Bible Minded Cities.” My location, Des Moines/Ames, IA, ranks number 56. Where does your city rank? Find out HERE.
How “Bible-minded” is Your City?
Barna Research has released a new study that ranks the “Bible-mindedness” of American cities. Check out the report complete with info graphic HERE.
What Americans Really Think About the Bible
The first airing of The Bible on The History Channel reaped the highest non sports viewer response of 2013. Barna research has released new findings on American’s view of the Bible. Check it out HERE.
Harvard Divinity Prof Claims Proof Jesus Was Married
Perhaps you’ve seen the hubbub in today’s news that Harvard Divinity Professor Karen King has discovered a piece of parchment dated sometime in the second century that claims Jesus was married to a woman named Mary during the time of his incarnation. The parchment, roughly the size of a cell phone, cites Jesus making a…
How to Find a Good Bible Translation
I grew up in a day when there just weren’t a lot of options. My home of origin had three television stations, two grocery stores, and one Bible translation, the KJV. So naturally I cut my Bible reading teeth on a text written on the twelfth grade level. As time marched on, other translations began…