I recently had a conversation with a friend about people who have not returned to in person church attendance since COVID-19. Granted, some of these found the extra four hours each weekend simply hard to give up, while others, I suspect, already had one foot out the door and found the pandemic a convenient opportunity…
Category: Community
Overcoming a Bad Church Experience
We all know someone, probably more than one, who used to be an active part in a local church, but no longer attend due to a “bad experience.” Anywhere. At all. Maybe they felt judged because of a decision they made or by their lifestyle. Maybe they felt shamed when they blew it, or invalidated…
You Need a Place:: 4
Your place in this world is not only the holy ground of God’s good work in your life, where you are is also the holy ground of God’s good work through your life. Our relationships in life are wrapped up with our purpose. It’s not just the people we choose to have surround us. Its…
You Need a Place:: 3
Yesterday I mentioned that your place in the world informs your mission in life. By surveying where you physically live, work, shop, recreate, and worship, you gather invaluable details about God’s will for your life. Not only does your place inform you concerning God’s will, it also becomes the holy ground of God’s good work…
You Need a Place:: 2
The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who…
You Need a Place
For the past seven weeks I’ve been preaching and posting on the essential, indispensable relationships we need in order to successfully navigate life. Over those weeks I’ve challenged you to find specific people to enhance your life in ways you could not on your own. By way of quick review: You Need a Jonathan—a true…
You Need a Small Voice:: 2
Having a “small voice” in your circle of relationships can help you in at least five ways. For example, Rhoda’s keep you snug. Children live in the land of make believe where everything is possible. It’s that snugness makes dreaming possible and remind us to stay alive. We adults separate work and play. But for…
You Need a Small Voice
When it came time for Jesus to showcase his ideal model for faith, he didn’t point to the scholar or the business person. He didn’t gesture toward the athlete or the entertainer. He chose a child. That’s why you need a Rhoda in your life. Rhoda?! Who was that? Rhoda was the first voice heard…
You Need an Intercessor:: 4
One concluding thought for this week’s series of posts. Never forget that Jesus is praying for you. That’s been his task since the ascension following the resurrection. His intercession is the basis for our intercession. Today I leave you with these two verses that remind you of that very important fact: “For Christ Jesus died…
You Need an Intercessor:: 3
What should you look for in an intercessor? What characteristics should he or she possess? 1. An intercessor should be someone who loves you. Your intercessor will love you and desire more for you than is in their power to give. From more than duty or obligation, intercessors will offer prayer as a gift of…