We need a new perspective on death. Most of us, reasonably so I suppose, view death as the end. The end of life, the end of all things good. The end of all things we love. Heaven is nothing more than the rest of everything; the reward for enjoying all of the good stuff here…
Category: Death
Hope that Sings!
Do you ever burst out in spontaneous singing? I’m not talking about the obligatory chorus that comes at holiday celebrations or birthday parties. I’m talking about being so filled with joyful hope that you are overpowered by song and it spews out. For the last three weeks I’ve been sharing some of the insights I’ve…
Hope That Sustains
After patiently answering question upon question about the resurrection, Paul finally got to the heart of the issue that concerned the Corinthian congregation: But someone may ask, “How will the dead be raised? What kind of bodies will they have?” (1 Corinthians 15:35, NLT) Much has been written regarding his response to the church, but…
A New Confidence for Living
Paul has asserted that the resurrection provides a hope that sustains us by providing believers with a new attitude about death. For the Christian, death is not the bitter, final end of our existence. Rather, it is a transition step toward eternal union with God. The second piece that naturally follows our new attitude is…
A New Attitude
Last week I counted the number of times Lisa and I have moved since we’ve been married. We got married before our senior year of college, then moved to St. Louis after graduation. We lived in three houses in the nine years we were there. Then we moved to Ft. Worth, and later to Springdale,…
A Word to Those Who Lack Faith
A study released last week revealed that cancer will likely overtake heart disease as the number one cause of death in the world in 2010. The most complete statistical data on leading causes of death I could find were located at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention web site. According to the CDC, the…
How Will You Die?
This weekend I’m beginning my talk with a very important question: How will you die? I assume you will take that question to mean, “What will be the cause of my death?”…as in an accident, disease, or natural causes. But that’s not what I mean. What I mean is, “How will you face death when…