Interesting article from The Atlantic regarding Why Teachers Quit. While these statistics may be startling to some, those of us how know a little about education or educators (I’m married to a Kindergarten teacher) know that these numbers sound about right: * 40-50% of teachers leave teaching in the first 5 years * 9.5% of…
Category: Education
The Value of Seminary Education
I waited until I was 33 years old to attend seminary. For me, seminary education meant that I had to uproot my family of four and relocate, crossing two state lines to do so. Even though I had a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, the standard was still Master’s level work. I had two failed attempts…
How Free Play Can Define Kids Success
My wife shared this article with me and I thought I’d pass it along. It’s titled, “How Free Play Can Define Kids Success.” Enjoy!
Out of Our Minds
I came across this marvelous book by watching an interview with the author that was posted on Michael Hyatt’s blogsite. For those of us who are right brained and lean a little more to the abstract and conceptual side of the street, anything to do with creativity is compelling. So I bought it. Sir Kenneth…
Is Your Child Gifted?
My wife sent me this chart that details the characteristics of high achievers, gifted learners, and creative thinkers. I found it interesting and thought I’d pass it along to you. The research comes from Dr. Bertie Kingore who has done extensive work in the field of gifted education. Her website is You can find…
Race to Nowhere
The New York Times has recently published a movie review for Race to Nowhere: The Overscheduled Child. It discusses the pressures that today’s children face to build resumes in a competitive educational environment. Click for the article.