Romans 12 begins with Paul’s statement on worship. In worship we present our bodies and have our minds renewed, enabling us to discern and agree with God’s will. This pattern works for the individual believer as well as the corporate body. As we agree with God’s will and put it into practice, humility is required…
Category: Equipping
Check Out Your Equipment:: 1
Last week I posted a series on worship. I defined worship as “our appropriate response to the self-disclosure of God.” The value of corporate worship is that it energizes the church for its mission beyond the walls. As we present our bodies and become renewed in our minds, we are able to discern God’s will…
Mission Ahead: Equip! (part 2)
Ephesians 4:11-16 gives us the pattern for equipping in the church. I’m going to express that pattern in three progressive steps. First, we must Discover our S.H.A.P.E. This language is borrowed from Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Church. S.H.A.P.E. is an acronym that describes the five essential tools in our personal ministry toolbox.S = Spiritual…
Mission Ahead: Equip!
Several years ago I was having lunch at a restaurant with a friend. During the course of our conversation, we suddenly heard a crash from a booth across the room. It sounded like a server had dropped an entire tray of food. When we looked over we saw a man sitting at his table struggling…