Last night for Ash Wednesday I did a survey on the minor prophet, Joel. Joel was a recommended prophetic reading for Ash Wednesday because of his emphasis on confession and repentance. But as I read the entirety of the three chapter missive, I discovered that the theme of Joel was more than a call to…
Category: Lent
Fast Facts About Fasting for Lent
Barna Research has released a research report on those who will observe Lent by fasting in some regard. There are some interesting findings, such as on 16% of Protestants will observe Lent by some form of fasting. Another interesting insight is that younger generations are willing to give up their technology such as social media…
Should We Give Things Up for Lent?
Fasting has been a part of every world religion and belief system since the beginning of time. The practice of fasting is not uncommon or unknown in secular culture. But what makes fasting and abstinence a Christian practice? Should Christians consider giving up things for Lent? If so, what do we hope to gain from…
True Lenten Discipline
My wife came across this through her campus email and passed it along. I regret that the copy she sent did not attribute this work to a particular author, but I wanted to pass this along to you for this season of Lent. True Lenten Discipline Fast from judging others; Feast on Christ dwelling in…
When the reluctant Moses stood at the burning bush (cf. Exodus 3) trying to wiggle out of God’s call to return to Egypt to emancipate the people of God, he asked God a remarkable question. “What is your name?” he inquired. That seems like an odd thing to ask. Did Moses not know God that…
Words to Live By from a Dying Man
Here’s the new sermon series which launches this weekend at Ashworth Road. This series will offer words of hope uttered from our dying Savior on the cross. The first sermon is titled, A Word for Those Who Need Forgiveness and is taken from Luke 23:34. I hope you’ll join us for one of our services….