When we pray for those who don’t, Paul has encouraged his readers to pray with understanding, but his real emphasis is that we pray God’s mission into action. “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard…
Category: Paul
Telling Your Own Story
One of the things I’m working on this year is changing the culture of our church from one that values numbers to one that values stories. Not just any story, mind you, but stories about life transformation. One of my favorite quotes is by G.K. Chesterton, who said, “The only thing that can satisfy the…
Hope that Transforms 3
The New Testament is clear. Our hope is rooted in the context of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In 1 Corinthians 15:1-7, Paul asserted that the consistent nature of gospel preaching is one proof of the certainty of Jesus’ resurrection. He then followed that declaration by sharing the first implication of the resurrection: transformation. In…
Hope that Transforms 2
The New Testament is not bashful about basing the Christian hope squarely on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus is central to the gospel. So it should come as no surprise that Paul began his epic teaching on the certainty and the implications of the resurrection with a review of the content…
Hope That Transforms 1
Spring is here! For many, its their favorite time of year. In spring we witness the earth awaken from winter’s slumber. The trees bud, the birds sing, perennials burst from the soil, and the grass comes to life. We change out our wardrobes and fire up the grill. We gas up the lawnmower and clean…
My Place in this World
This weekend I presented the third sermon from my series titled Missionaries You Should Know, focused on Saul of Tarsus, aka the Apostle Paul. What gained my attention from my study of Acts 9 was Jesus’ simple testament in verse 15: “Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to…
How to Introduce Yourself (part 3)
Yesterday we examined three of Paul’s characteristics of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Today I want to finish with the final three characteristics. 4. The scope of the gospel is all nations. Romans 1:5 reads, “We have received grace and apostleship through Him to bring about the obedience of faith among all nations” (HCSB).In Paul’s…
How to Introduce Yourself (part 2)
When we moved to Waukee five years ago, I introduced myself to one of my son’s football coaches. Realizing we were new to the community, the coach asked what I did for a living. I told him that I was Pastor of Ashworth Road Baptist Church. His next question started me. He asked, “So what…
When God Doesn’t Heal Our Hurts: part 1
One of the clearest biblical passages that deals with the purposes that suffering works out in our lives is Paul’s autobiographical discussion of his “thorn in the flesh.” 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 states, “This boasting will do no good, but I must go on. I will reluctantly tell about visions and revelations from the Lord. I…