I think the most common biblical metaphor for life is the story of the exodus. The stages of the exodus are bondage, then deliverance, followed by growth through the wilderness wandering, concluding with their entry into the land of promise. We see this metaphor expressed again and again in the New Testament. David does something…
Category: Psalm 23
The Lord is My Hope:: 1
Since the dawn of time, people have searched for a meaningful metaphor for life. Here are some samples that I stumbled upon this week: Life is like a seed. It will never grow unless it is planted and nourished. Life is like a river. With all its bends and rapid falls, one must follow the…
The Lord is My Provision:: 3
The final word of Psalm 23:5 I focused on was the word CUP. When shepherds had to carry water to the flock they would fill the bucket or trough to the brim. A full bucket was easier than a nearly empty bucket to drink from. In mid-eastern culture the full cup is a sign of…
The Lord is My Provision:: 2
The second word in the passage I dealt with was OIL. The word oil, like many biblical words, has layers of meaning and interpretation. Shepherds would use oil to anoint the heads of each individual sheep. This heavy oil could be used as an insect repellant, providing relief from flies and other insects. Oil was…
The Lord is My Provision:: 1
“You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings” (Psalm 23:5, NLT). In the fifth verse of the 23rd Psalm, threats are turned into triumphs. Leaving the dismal valley of the shadow of shadows, several transitions are evident….
The Lord is My Comforting Presence
The 23rd Psalm begins with warm tones and rich images. David has taken a brush and palette and painted a beautiful scene including green meadows and calm pools of water. It is pastoral and tranquil; the kind of place one would desire as a respite. But the landscape changes in verse four, where the contour…
The Lord is My Guide:: 3
“He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name” (Psalm 23:3) According to David, the final element of God’s guidance and direction is that it honors Him. So a valid question to consider with each step we take in life is to ask “What honors God?” God leads us in ways that preserve…
The Lord is My Guide:: 2
“He guides me along right paths…” (Psalm 23:3) God’s guidance in and for our lives is based on our relationship with Him. As our relationship grows we learn to trust Him and to identify his voice by experience. But the challenge in receiving guidance is not just one of identifying the right voice. It includes…
The Lord is My Guide:: 1
“He guides me” (Psalm 23:3) Are you a creature of habit? I would guess that each of us have some form of routine that we cling to on a daily basis. Sheep are notorious creatures of habit. When they are left to their own devices, green pastures become wastelands and foot paths become deep ruts….
The Lord is My Restoration
“He restores my soul” (Psalm 23:3). Shepherds claim that one of the challenges with tending sheep is that they can easily become cast, meaning that when a sheep rolls over on its back it is incapable of righting itself and getting back on its feet. The scenario goes something like this. A sheep will lie…