“You who are slaves must accept the authority of your masters with all respect. Do what they tell you—not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel. For God is pleased with you when you do what you know is right and patiently endure unfair treatment. Of course, you get…
Category: Reconciliation
How to Restore a Broken Relationship 3
Yesterday I posted the first three steps Joseph modeled in restoring a broken relationship. They were and are to: • Create privacy • Make the goal of all confrontation reconciliation • Stay focused on the big picture Today I want to follow up with the final three steps from Genesis 45:1-15. Step four is to…
How to Restore a Broken Relationship 2
Genesis 45 gives us a text book model for how to restore a broken relationship. These principles were true then, were later affirmed by Jesus during his earthly ministry, and are still effective today. First, Joseph created privacy (Genesis 45:1-4). After he cleared the room of his attendants, Joseph revealed his true identity to his…
How to Restore a Broken Relationship
Conventional wisdom said it couldn’t be done, until Roger Bannister of England did it. Bannister was the very first person to run the mile in a time under 4 minutes. In the first 12 weeks after he did accomplished this milestone, 37 others did it. In the first 12 months after he did it, over…
Turning the Corner from Regret to Resolution 4
Joseph’s family has been through the wringer. Little do they know what is yet to be unveiled! This week I’ve been posting principles for turning the corner from regret to resolution. To date my observations from Genesis and the story of Joseph include remembering that God is always at work, even in undetectable ways; the…
Turning the Corner from Regret to Resolution 3
The third step we must make if we’re going to turn the corner from regret to resolution is to Remember that God is for His Children (Genesis 42:36). Upon hearing the news from the brothers, Jacob made four false statements: 1. Joseph is no more! 2. Simeon is no more! 3. Benjamin will be no…
Turning the Corner from Regret to Resolution 2
Last weekend I outlined five steps that one needs to take to turn the corner from regret to resolution. The first of which was to Recognize that God is Always at Work (Genesis 42:25-28). Joseph’s brothers had sold him for a mere 20 pieces of silver. But when they found that their money had been…
Turning the Corner from Regret to Resolution
In 1636, Roger Williams, who had been exiled from Massachusetts, went to what is now called Rhode Island and established its very first settlement. He called the settlement Providence, stating that “divine guidance has led me here.” Providence is defined simply by Chuck Swindoll as “The belief that the events of our lives are not…