“When Jesus landed on the shore and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.” (Mark 6:34-35) “The crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teacher of the law.”…
Category: Sunday School
The Teaching Style of Jesus, Part 1
Earlier this week I posted some helpful tips for lesson preparation for Sunday School teachers that I wrote in 2008. These next two posts come from the same series. While the target audience is for Sunday School teachers, small group leaders will find the concepts transferrable to their context. “When Jesus landed on the shore…
Sunday School Lesson Preparation, Part 2
There is an old saying among writers that quips “That which comes first is written last.” It is a reference to the introduction of a body of work. Normally, linear thinking would suppose that a writer begins with an introduction, writes the body, and finishes with the conclusion. However, it makes sense that the purpose…
Sunday School Lesson Preparation, Part 1
As an established church, we have a commitment to maintaining the traditional expressions of Sunday School and Worship while developing the contemporary expressions of contemporary worship and small groups. This post is from an online training email I sent to our Sunday School leadership in 2008. Although it was written to assist those who lead…