This week I’ve posted three foundational points that are basic to my understanding of worship. They were: 1. Worship is based on our redemption in Christ. (Exodus 20:1-2) 2. God identifies himself as the exclusive object of our worship. (Exodus 20:3) 3. We must guard our hearts against idolatry. (Exodus 20:4-6) The fourth basic concerning…
Category: Ten Commandments
Worship 101
Our worship is based on our redemption in Christ. Unless we see that clearly, much of our “worship” will be conducted in vanity and will be for the most part self serving. Continuing in Exodus 20 we find the first commandment where God identifies himself as the exclusive object of worship. “You must not have…
Worship 101
Yesterday I began a four week series at First Baptist Church on the subject of worship. In my preparation, I was reminded of Elmer Towns’ famous observation that the first murder in the Bible occurred over a dispute concerning worship (cf. Genesis 4:1-9). As I reflected on the story of Cain and Abel, I thought…
The Goal of Simplicity
The book, Simple Life, describes four areas where Americans struggle most. Those areas as I have previously mentioned are time, money, relationships, and connecting with God. As I thought about Rainer’s research and the list that was discovered, it occurred to me that the Ten Commandments cover the same essential content. The Ten Commandments are…
Posts for My Graduate #10
Ten is a pretty long list when you blog them one at a time, so thanks for enduring the journey. I hope it’s been helpful. Before I deal with #10, let me take a moment to review the other nine guiding principles from the Ten Commandments:1. Establish God as the ultimate priority of your life.2….
Posts for My Graduate #9
“You must not falsely testify against your neighbor.” (Exodus 20:16) Back in the day of the Bible, evidence in the courts was appreciated but not necessary. If two witnesses came forward with an accusation that was in agreement, it was considered to be enough evidence to merit a conviction and warrant punishment. The system assumed…
Posts for My Graduate #8
Like the prohibition against murder, the eighth commandment should be a no-brainer. “You must not steal” (Exodus 20:15). By this time in your life, you are fully aware of the laws against taking things that don’t belong to you. Perhaps you even know of a person who has been arrested for shoplifting. Maybe you know…
Posts for My Graduate #7
Command #7 says, “You must not commit adultery.” Specifically it forbids breaking one’s faithful commitment to their spouse in order to gratify a sexual desire. Generally speaking it offers a strong word of warning against all sexual sin.When Jesus addressed the issue of adultery in Matthew 5:27-30, he cut to the core issue which is…
Posts for My Graduate #6
Perhaps the most famous of the Ten Commandments is number 6, “You must not murder” (Exodus 20:13). It prohibits the intentional killing of another human being for personal reasons.When Jesus dealt with this command in the Sermon on the Mount, he went deeper into the issue and spoke out against the internal emotions that lead…
Posts for My Graduate #5
So far I have described some of the principles from the first four commandments which focus on our relationship with God. The next six commandments are directed toward our relationship with other people. The first one is addressed to your relationship to your parents.Exodus 20:12 states, “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live…