N.T. Wright has proven to be one of the most prolific writers on the subject of theology in the 21st century. His latest book, How God Became King, tackles the problem of how we read the gospels. Wright correctly points out a common problem among modern evangelicals. There are those, on one hand, who read the gospels through the lens of Christmas and Easter to the neglect of Jesus’ three year itinerant ministry of reaching out to the poor and marginalized. On the other hand there are those who read the gospel through the lens of Jesus’ three year ministry to the poor and marginalized to the neglect of the incarnation and the cross/resurrection event. Additional problems are born out of reading the gospels to the neglect of the larger canon of Scripture, overlooking the broader role of Jesus with regards to Israel, the Kingdom of God and the birth of the Christian movement in the world. Wright’s book is a fine proposal on how to read the gospels with balance without excluding the broader subject of God’s redemptive plan for the world. So if you find that compelling to any degree, this book will hold your attention. If not, I’m afraid you’ll not survive the first few pages. But then again, you may not fully appreciate what the gospels are really all about.