In Acts 17:6, those first generation Christ followers had developed quite the reputation. They were known as those who were “turning the world upside down.” One may be surprised at the rapid growth of the Christian movement following the Day of Pentecost, but we should not be surprised at how quickly and fiercely opposition to the gospel of Jesus sprung up. When the gospel advances and good things begin to happen, somebody is going to become upset.
Acts 4 reports the initial development of persecution and opposition the gospelers. Undeterred, the apostles continued to advance the gospel with boldness and courage. They were out to change the world, and change the world they did.
What characterizes a world changer? What marks can we detect from Peter and John that will encourage us today?
First, world changers are people of unwavering conviction. In Acts 4:1-12, opposition arose over the apostle’s assertion that Jesus had risen from the dead. The religious leaders dutifully denied such things as possible. Yet Peter and John were unshakable on this significant theological point.
I think it’s important to note that the opposition to the gospel that I’m speaking of is over a significant point of doctrine. It wasn’t over carpet color or song selection or dress code for church. It was an attack directed at the very heart of the gospel. For them the resurrection of Jesus was not a negotiable point. They believed without reservation or hesitation.
Every person in world history who has made a significant impact for good or bad was a person of unwavering conviction. If you desire to be a world changer, you’re going to need to determine what your non-negotiable convictions are and stick to them like glue.