2018 was a good year of reading. Although I didn’t get to all of the books I purchased, overall I was helped and inspired by the titles below. My list does not include the Bible, which I read cover to cover, nor does it include the numerous commentaries and reference works that I consulted as a part of my weekly sermon preparation. They appear in the order that I completed them.
- The Magnificent Story, by James Bryan Smith
- The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson
- The No Complaining Rule, by Jon Gordon
- Uninvited, by Lisa TerKeurst
- When, by Daniel Pink
- The Power of Positive Leadership, by Jon Gordon
- The Fear of the Lord is Wisdom, by Tremper Longman
- Life Together, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Big Potential, by Shawn Achor
- Drive, by Daniel Pink
- The Christian Atheist, by Craig Groeshchel
- Pastor, by Will Willimon
- Open to the Spirit, by Scot McKnight
- Your Best Year Ever, by Michael Hyatt
- Faith Formation in a Secular Age, by Andrew Root
- The Talent Code, by Daniel Coyle
My goal for 2019 is to read 24, and with a measure of discipline I hope to accomplish even more. What are some of the books you enjoyed in 2018? What are your goals for reading in 2019? How do you determine what you will read?