Overwhelmed by the famine, Jacob must have been torn as he stood at the crossroads. Should he stay where he was? Or should he uproot his entire family and relocate to Egypt? At this precise moment, God came to him in a vision. One might expect God to give Jacob a new dream, but He didn’t. He simply reminded Jacob of the same dream He had given him before.
In Genesis 46:3-4, God gave Jacob four specific words about his life. The first word was a word of perspective: “I am God.” There’s nothing like the self disclosure of God to put perspective on our adversity! When God weighs in everything else is put into proper perspective. Jacob’s life had become so overwhelmed by so many things he needed perspective to re-order and re-orient his life.
The second word was a word of power: “Do not be afraid.” Gripped by fear, Jacob needed a bit of security. He needed the reminder that God was on his throne and in control. He needed to recall that his life was not spinning our of control at the cruel hand of fate. He needed to have the clear security that God was fully aware of the challenges he was facing and that His power was great enough to overcome any fear he might have.
Next came a word of promise: “I will fulfill…” God reminded Jacob that He still intended to make him a great nation. God’s plans and purposes for Jacob had not changed one bit. God was at work to bring it all into fruition.
The final word was a word of presence: “I will go with you.” Jacob would not be sent to Egypt. Rather, God promised that He would accompany him to Egypt. God’s presence in his life would have provided comfort and stability at the cross roads and would go with him as he followed God’s direction.
If you’re in a “famine,” or standing at a cross roads, remember God has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! God desires to come to you and help you gain perspective. His words of power, promise, and presence will help you navigate the turbulence you may be feeling right now and enable you to re-dream the dream. Chances are that you don’t need a new dream. You just need to walk in the dream God has already given to you. Tomorrow I’ll finish this week’s series and post some thoughts about living the dream.