I just finished reading Simply Brilliant, by William C. Taylor. He summarizes his material with eight questions that will help organizations do ordinary things in extraordinary ways. Here’s the list.
- Can you develop a definition of success that allows you to stand apart from the competition and inspires others to stand with you?
- Can you explain, clearly and compellingly, why what you do matters and how you expect to win?
- Are you prepared to rethink the conversations of success in your field and the logic of your success as a leader?
- Are you as determined to stay interested as to be interesting?
- Do you pay as much attention to psychology and emotion as you do to technology and efficiency?
- Do the values that define how your organization works reflect the values proposition around which it competes?
- Are you as humble as you are hungry?
- Are you prepared to share the rewards with success with all those who had a hand in achieving it?
Even though this is a business book, I think there are some important insights for church leaders to think through in our post pandemic world. Churches faced a lot of change during COVID-19, transitioning from relational to technological, and now have to find the happy medium between the two. Taylor’s book is thought provoking and applicable to today’s ministry context. Check it out.