This week’s progress on the forthcoming Out of Ur Podcast included the completion of the artwork, thanks to the gifting and talent of my daughter Shannon. My original goal was to be ready to upload episodes by March, but I didn’t realize all of the work that was involved in setting up the infrastructure. So the back room is almost ready.
After 36 plus years of serving local churches as a pastor, I concluded that chapter officially on August 24, 2020. My initial series of talks will focus on my personal journey from sacred to secular; from the comfort and security of “Ur” to the wide open horizons of the “Promised Land.” It will be an honest, transparent and vulnerable account of what I’ve learned, what I’m learning, and what I still have to learn. Until then, keep your eyes peeled for the first release. Updates will be available on this website under the OUT OF UR tab on the menu bar or on any of the Tim Deatrick or Out of Ur social media platforms. You can follow me personally on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @timdeatrick. You can find the links to the Out of Ur social media platforms at the bottom of today’s email by clicking any or all of the icons. If you haven’s subscribed to the Out of Ur weekly email, you can do so by emailing outofur@timdeatrick.com.
Thanks for your support of www.timdeatrick.com and Out of Ur!
Didn’t know you weren’t preaching any longer