This past year has brought forward some new opportunities for me, the greatest of which is my venture into online ministry platforms. Many of you may be aware that since 2007 I have blogged at this site. For some time I took a break, but have re-committed to regular posts as I continue to work on the infrastructure of the site that had been neglected.
In addition, I’m excited to announce that beginning January 4, 2021, I will be publishing a weekly email newsletter that will have a little something for the people in the pew as well as something for those in the pulpit. You can subscribe to the Out of Ur Newsletter free of charge by emailing or through Facebook instant messenger.
Speaking of Facebook, I would like to invite you to follow the Out of Ur platforms on social media. You can find the Out of Ur Facebook page at “Out of Ur.” On Twitter you can use the handle @outofur, and on Instagram at @outofurpodcast. Please feel free to follow or like any of the social media platforms you utilize, and above all, feel free to share the news with anyone you may think might be interested.
Which brings me to the final piece of this announcement. The Out of Ur Podcast will feature a variety of topics and interviews beginning March 1. You’ll want to stay tuned for more information about the podcast and where to access it.
All Out of Ur activity will be accessible at this website. So if all else fails, you can always check in here.
I’m excited for 2021! And I’m excited to share what I’ve been doing and learning during the year of our pandemic, 2020. Until then, be blessed, and have a blessed New Year!