Depending upon the poll results you read, as many as 83% of Americans profess to be Christian in their personal faith. That simple statistic is troubling because I just don’t see that statistic reflected in our churches or in our culture. Sometime ago, I became concerned that evangelical Christians were focused on getting decisions for…
Month: October 2011
Harvest Initiative Update
Here’s a great article from the Federal Bank of Minneapolis on the great work being done on Crow Creek Reservation through the Harvest Initiative and Hunkpati Investments!
Road Rules: Ruminations from an Average Runner
Everyone who runs has a story. Something happened or someone inspired them to lace up their shoes and hit the trail. My story begins like many stories, I started, ran for a while, then lost interest and quit. I played that story when we lived in St. Louis then in Ft. Worth. I probably stuck…
What Makes Faith “Stick” in College?
Watch the latest video at This is an excellent interview with Dr. Kara Powell, co-author of Sticky Faith, on how to help kids maintain their faith during college.
State of the Plate 3
This weekend the Washington Post published an article that reveals giving trends in the American church. Citing a 41 year record low in giving, the article explores the uncomfortable statistic that churches are spending less on missions and outreach and spending more on the ministries that take place inside the four walls of the church….
Bi-Partisan Politics and Pulpit Endorsements
Last week, Dr. Robert Jeffress created a storm of controversy with his personal endorsement of Texas Governor Rick Perry for President. The reaction to this has been strong, given that Jeffress cited the Southern Baptist stance on treating Mormonism as a cult. I have always been a seperation of church and state person, siding with…
How to Handle Criticism
“You who are slaves must accept the authority of your masters with all respect. Do what they tell you—not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel. For God is pleased with you when you do what you know is right and patiently endure unfair treatment. Of course, you get…
Out of Our Minds: Developing Creative Cultures
Yesterday I posted some introductory comments from the book Out of Our Minds by Sir Kenneth Robinson. Today I want to delve into some of the fragments that Robinson offered regarding creativity. In Chapter 9, titled “Being a Creative Leader,” the author offers nine principles to help develop a culture of creativity and innovation. Robinson’s…
Out of Our Minds
I came across this marvelous book by watching an interview with the author that was posted on Michael Hyatt’s blogsite. For those of us who are right brained and lean a little more to the abstract and conceptual side of the street, anything to do with creativity is compelling. So I bought it. Sir Kenneth…
On Complaining
I was having coffee with a friend a couple of weeks ago when our conversation turned to the topic of complaining. He had observed that he had noticed an uptick in the amount of complaining he was subjected to, and added that lately he, too, had been a little more prone to complaining. Everyone is…