My final observation from Paul’s classic text in Romans 12 was that worship results in a life that is re-oriented and re-directed to the will of God. In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus published his final work, titled, On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres. His supposition displaced planet Earth as the center of the universe and…
Month: August 2012
Go to Meeting:: 3
This week I’ve been posting about worship from Romans 12:1-2. The third observation I want to make is that worship involves your total being. In the text, worship involves the presentation of our bodies and the transformation of our minds. Simply stated, worship involves both our thinking and our behaving. Allow me to unpack this…
Do Mega Church Worship Services Create a “High?”
Here’s an interesting piece of research coming out of the University of Washington on the emotional impact of mega church worship services. This report, published by Huffington Post, can be viewed HERE. The research attempts to link the emotional experience with the success of mega churches in America. What do you think?
Go to Meeting:: 2
Worship is my appropriate response to the self disclosure of God. While worship may have private and personal expressions, it is also a corporate experience. There are a myriad of ways people feel most connected to God in personal worship. Some connect through a daily devotional exercise. Others through music or nature. There are those…
The Barna Report on Christian Women:: Part 4 of 4
Over the past two weeks I’ve been posting the links to the four part report on Christian women by Barna Research Group. In this final edition, Barna reveals research regarding the political preferences of Christian women in America. You can read the final post HERE.
Training Camp: Go to Meeting:: 1
And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice–the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but…
Training Camp
My son left for fall football camp a couple of weeks ago. This is a big season for him, given it is his final year of college eligibility. As we talked I asked him what he would be doing in fall camp. His simple response? “Go to meetings, check out equipment, and practice.” This conversation…
The Barna Report:: 3 released part three of their report on Christian women today. This section focuses on the inner well being and emotional health of Christian women. You can read the third part by CLICKING HERE.
The Barna Report: Part 2
Here’s part two of the Barna Report’s four part series on women in the life of the church. This edition focuses on women’s lifestyles, priorities, and time commitments. You can read the part two by CLICKING HERE.
You Need a Place:: 4
Your place in this world is not only the holy ground of God’s good work in your life, where you are is also the holy ground of God’s good work through your life. Our relationships in life are wrapped up with our purpose. It’s not just the people we choose to have surround us. Its…